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What about Workers' Comp.?

Writer's picture: Asbestos Shorts by Matt Asbestos Shorts by Matt

The Louisiana Workers' Compensation Act bars (or prevents) employees from suing their employers for diseases that come from the job. This is not the end of the story, however. The LWCA does not bar lawsuits regarding mesothelioma or lung cancer if your asbestos exposure occurred in Louisiana before 1976, approximately.

Even if your asbestos exposure happened before and after 1976, you may be able to sue your employer in Louisiana.

I had a challenging case in which my client's asbestos exposures did not being until 1978. In short, we could not sue his employer . . . or so we thought. After further investigation into the case, I learned that my client's son worked with his father for the same employer nut on different shifts. He too had asbestos exposures on the job. Those exposures put asbestos dust on his work clothes. He unknowingly brought that dust into the home he shared with his father, contaminating it. On this basis, I was able to overcome the LWCA bar. The employer offered a generous settlement shortly thereafter.

You can always contact me to discuss the nuances of your case. Each case is different.

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